Glenn is a Product ↔ Systems ↔ Brand Designer living in Portland, Oregon. His work is thoughtful, helpful, and human. He cultivates teams that find results by discovering themselves. Clients include: Starbucks, Google, Facebook, MGM Resorts, and the Seattle Art Museum.


Starbucks ↓

Design lead for the app and Global Design System. Built proof of concepts, high and low fidelity prototypes, user tested and re-tested the rewards program, worked with the Starbucks Japan and China teams to build the first wave of unified global apps, changed the brand hex # for screens ☕️ Available on the app store

Thrive Market ↓

Start-up internet grocery store providing access to health focused products. Joined as a UX designer, grew into leading the creative studio team. Built the web and native design system, built and tested new areas of business, developed photography standards and process, made a lot of growth Facebook ads. Available here

MGM Resorts ↓

Vision and design system for guest facing interaction for Las Vegas and the world. Mobile apps, web, in room and resort. Explored and prototyped new features, surfacing existing opportunities, launched a streamlined all-mobile check-in experience across seven Las Vegas resorts. Available on the app store

Starbucks Roastery Shanghai ↓

An experience for Starbucks China to introduce the opening of the Shanghai Roastery, and more broadly Starbucks coffee culture to a wider audience. Made with a small team on site at the Shanghai office in collaboration with Alibaba.

Seven Fingers ↓

A surf brand made with the amigos. More here.

KonMari ↓

Web experience refresh for Marie Kondo and KonMari Method. It sparks joy.

Caravan ↓

A pitch for a universal mobile order and pay platform, built internally at Starbucks in collaboration with SapientNitro to develop user experience, branding and high fidelity prototyping. This project became the conceptual north star for further work in the territory. More here

Starbucks Japan ↓

Worked at the Tokyo office with Starbucks Japan to build a new vision for the native app, integrating the new Rewards program and applying the Global Design System to a unique market feature set. ↓

An unofficial guide to Washington's Enchantments wilderness area through 35mm photography and personal storytelling. Yes, I wrote the copy. I’m the goats-will-drink-your-pee guy.


Be Your Own Drum Circle. High vibration research garments and artifacts. Be Here Now.

Archive ↓

Memories 💭